Saturday, November 5, 2011

By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them

Alright, so this is the first of my final projects. I did a prezi presentation on the different types of fruit. I'm so glad I learned how to use this because I think I'll start using it even for my TA job now. 

  • What did I learn about Prezi? 
    • Oh, I'm convinced I learned just about everything possible! I watched all their tutorials and experimented with a ton of features. I learned how to insert pictures, make groups, create paths, change themes, publish, and embed. 

  • What instructional problems could you use this technology for?
    • Instructional problems? Like keeping students motivated? Or engaging multiple learning styles. A prezi can engage visual, musical, linguistic, and logical learners all at the same time. (Maybe even kinesthetic learners since it moves around.)

  • What are 2-3 activities you could use this technology for in your own teaching? List the instructional standards if you can identify them.
    • I feel like I could use Prezi when teaching in my classroom because although it's a presentation the moving format will be easier for students to follow and more engaging to watch. I also could use it for review and quizzes because I can ask a question and then zoom in very close to reveal the answer. Also it's super easy to embed and it's iPad friendly so each of the students could learn the stuff on their own time in class. I think it'd be fun to create a bunch of Prezi on different topics and let the students pick a topic that they want to learn about and watch it's associated prezi on their own time on the iPad.
I really encourage everyone to make a Prezi account and learn how to use it! It's a great teaching tool and wonderful for student projects!

You can view my Prezi on my class website or on the Prezi website here.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really nice Prezi! It was engaging, and organized really well to create that web of understanding. Great work. Also, your reflection shows you've really thought about how to use Prezi to its best advantage. Thanks!
